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TODO: Dynamic TODO page/script because this shit cray


### Sister, 01

Eldest of the three android sisters.
Her skin is a shade of [ctip #d9d9d9]Brightsilver[/ctip] ( desaturation of [ctip #ffceb4]Slightly Pale Caucasian[/ctip] )
Her hair and eyes share a specific hue of [ctip #c8a]Washed Rose[/ctip]
Pre-modification, her sclera was the typical [ctip #22171d]Blushing Charcoal[/ctip] of her make. Post-modification, [ctip #e8dde2]Immaculate Pink[/ctip].

[c]This character falls under the following...[/c]
Chronicles(s): Genesis
Archetype(s): Daughter

Tag(s): Character